Graduating Into Retirement. Get Your Degree in Financial Freedom with Financial Planner Eric Brotman
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In this episode, I interview a fellow author, podcaster, and kindred spirit, Eric Brotman. I invited Eric to be on the show today as we share a similar philosophy when it comes to the second half of the financial journey.
We discuss these hot topics for today’s retirees:
- Secrets of the happiest retirees
- Financial strategies that can help prevent people from outliving their money.
- Important tax strategies to understand as one enteres their years of financial independence.
- Why HSAs are the greatest tax tool ever invented.
- Should you defer Social Security to age 70?
- Long-Term Care, take it or leave it?
Eric is a podcast host of his popular show Don’t Retire. Graduate.
He’s also an author of a new book with the same title. Check out Eric’s book on Amazon!

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